Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stuff Arab Americans like.

please feel free to add more to the list: (note, some specifically apply to females. another note: don't get offended, laugh it off, even if you don't think it's true, some others might.)

1-Dressing up on Eid day. And I mean totally dressing up as in high heels, ties, suits, etc.
2- Saying Wallah way too many times.
3- Playing loud music in car.
4- Obsession with expensive make up.
5-Asking for discounts at stores.
6- Cars.
7- Pita bread.
8- Acting/speaking "ghetto."
9- Saying 'ya3ni' in the middle of English words.
10- Saying habeebti to girls you barely speak to.
11- Updating facebook statuses or writing on other people's walls in Arabic so your English speaking American friends will not understand.
12- Saying "FOB' or "Boater"
13- Laugh at other people's accents.
14- Engineering.
15- If you're a doctor, you're just better.
16- Nicknames like lele and lulu and susu
17- Arabs in the media.
18- Facebook.
19- Hookah. And bragging to your fellow American friends about all the diff. flavors.
20- Equality
21- Unity
22- Giving back

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